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Try this 

Grab a book... be random

In true postmodern form, try this. Most recently from Adam:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence as a comment on my blog.
5. Post the text of the sentence on your own blog, along with these instructions. (If you don't have a blog, just post it in my comments for fun).

Here is Matt's:

"Jesus had thrown himself upon the wheel of history and, though he reversed its course, he was crushed by it."
- Tony Jones, Postmodern Youth Ministry

Here's mine:
"It is impossible, therefore, to move from some kind of sanitized, unideological, "pure thought" to its application to events in the everyday world."
- J. Andrew Kirk, The Mission of Theology and Theology as Mission