This used to be a community blog, now we just use it for a podcast feed for our weekly worship gatherings (but we left the old stuff here in case you want to browse).

Email us if you want to know more, come for a visit, invite us your way, or just gab. Our website has a lot of information and some pictures of the people, places and things that make up the VC tribe

Our sometimes-updated podcast feed for Weekly Worship Gatherings:

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CH ad 2:

We have a couple openings and another opening up in about a month... The openings are the result of getting another room ready (that project was on hold for awhile till some funds came through. They did.) and the other is due to a marriage of two of the finest people I have ever known: David and Julie. Thankfully they are moving down the street less than 2 blocks away.

So, there are openings. Come stay with us for a month or a year and together we'll design a time that is meaningful for you....

email - rainsbodyshop(at)fuse(dot)net
call - 513.574.5584 (work) or 513.383.2854 (mobile)

IM - rains628 (AIM)