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Pandora's Box - it has been opened! 

Warning: If you see Julie Gross - Watch Out!! - she's thinking some pretty life altering things lately. Here's a sample from her blog:

"Luther's idea of vocation brought the work of the Kingdom to the people, not just the priests and monastics. He said that even a milkmaid could milk cows to the Glory of God. Much of what he says boils down to the idea that we are all gifted differently and called to use those gifts in his service in many arenas in our everyday life. Yes, there is still the idea of the priesthood in that there is still the function of the pastor, but he really brings into light the priesthood of all believers. The congregation of the ELCA I grew up in has this on it's bulletin every week: Ministers: the whole congreagation. Then it lists the Pastoral staff. Just this one simple line on a piece of paper never fails to move me when I get to worship there. It is a weekly reminder and admonition to the congregation that we're all called to use what we have been given. By confessing our Faith, we accept His call to acknowledge that we belong to God and by His command we must move what we confess out into the wide world to minister to his children, our brothers and sisters. Heavy, heady stuff.

So how does this all gel? How do I get to the answers I am looking for? I pray. I read. I look to others who have travelled this road much longer than I. I step out in faith with this community to serve our neighbors here in West Norwood. I share joy and stress and all the things which come with living. I look for signs and take unmarked roads. I continue, even when the path is unclear. I give thanks. I praise His name. I wait upon the Lord. Amen. Come Lord Jesus."

Good stuff! You know she really should blog here, on this community blog (*hint,hint). It seems that a question is emerging in our midst.... this is how I heard it articulated today: "What do you see is the future of VC?"

Its a good question. One that I would love hear how people respond. I think Julie's post on Call is an essential part of all that - What is GOD calling us to as VC? And as important as our coming together to share our ideas is, it is nothing unless it is part of hearing what God is calling us to together - which means that we have to listen together.